Cleaning Up London�s Air - A view from City Hall by Joanne McCartney AM
28th December 2016
28th December 2016
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Clean
Air Act, brought in as a response to the 1952 Great
Smog when up to 12,000 Londoners died due to
toxic air. Currently London is breaking both legal
and World Health Organisation limits on air
pollution, and the High Court has recently found
that the Government has broken the law by failing
to act as quickly as possible to bring the UK into
compliance. The Mayor of London is calling for a
21st century Clean Air Act to deal with the massive
air quality challenges we face today.
The biggest cause of our poor air quality is diesel
vehicles. Research shows that without a change
in policy up to 9,400 people will die prematurely
across capital every year, and London will remain
above legal limits until 2025 and beyond. Toxic air
impairs child lung development for life and
worsens existing lung conditions. Research has
also identified that 443 schools in the capital are
in areas exceeding safe legal pollution levels.
Central government control some of the most
powerful policy tools to tackle air pollution and it
is important they treat this issue with urgency.
However, in addition to calling on the government
to act the Mayor has announced bold proposals
for cleaning up London’s air. These include:
• an earlier start to London’s Ultra Low emission
Zone (ULEZ) in 2019 and extending it to the
North and South Circular for all vehicles, rather
than just the central congestion zone as was
planned under the previous Mayor. For lorries,
buses and coaches the ULEZ would apply
London wide.
• an emissions surcharge on the most polluting
vehicles entering central London from 2017
• developing a detailed proposal for a national
diesel scrappage scheme for Government to
implement in order to make switching to
cleaner vehicles affordable for motorists and
Of course, London government* has to lead by
example and that’s why the Mayor has announced
plans to transform London’s bus fleet by phasing
out the oldest and most polluting diesel buses, and
making the entire fleet ultra-low or zero emission.
Clean bus corridors will be introduced along the
dirtiest routes and a new hydrogen double decker
bus will be trialed in London next year. Air quality
alerts are now being displayed at bus stops, tube
stations and roadsides warning Londoners of high
pollution levels. The level of transport monies
spent on cycling will nearly double to create more
safe, easy and well-connected cycling routes, and
soon a Walking and Cycling Commissioner will be
appointed to lead on healthy and active travel that
impacts less on the environment and makes
London a more pleasant city to live in.
Unlike sixty years ago our polluted air is often not
visible, a silent killer, but it is clear that urgent
action is needed. It seems that most Londoners
agree – a consultation on bringing forward and
extending the ULEZ this summer saw around three
quarters of respondents supporting these
Joanne is the London Assembly Member for
Enfield & Haringey is the statutory Deputy Mayor
of London.
* The Greater London Authority (GLA) comprises the
Mayor of London and the London Assembly.
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Southgate LIFE Estate Agent magazine