How Amatsu can help you tackle your pain

8th January 2016

How Amatsu can help you tackle your pain

Ready to tackle your pain issues in 2016?

By Nicola Forward your local Amatsu practitioner

If you have been suffering from physical pain for some time, you might have decided that 2016 is the year when you are going to try something new. Amatsu Therapy International UK is running #AmatsuAwareness month in January 2016 to help to introduce this highly effective hands-on treatment to a wider audience.

Amatsu has origins in Japan and has helped countless people who are suffering from physical pain such as back pain, frozen shoulder, sports injuries, neck pain and limited movement and often where other approaches have not worked. Amatsu is a relatively gentle treatment – there are no cracks or crunches and the treatments are performed with the client fully clothed.

During January 2016, people interested in trying Amatsu can have a taster session by contacting their local practitioner, or if you know somebody who currently has

Amatsu, why not tag along to their session (with their permission) so you can see for yourself how it all works?

You can contact your local practitioner for more information or to book a session with them.

Mobile: 07720 81 01 01

Email: Website:

Local resident, Nicola Forward has been working as an Amatsu Practitioner, here in Palmers Green since 2009. She says “I have worked with clients of all ages and backgrounds from office workers to athletes…..and busy Mums! My developing

interest is in supporting “women of a certain age” through the challenges of menopause. I believe in a collaborative approach and I encourage my clients to work with me towards their health goals.”

You can also benefit from a 3 for 2 treatment offer during the #AmatsuAwareness month of January.

Make 2016 the year when you feel better!