Hazelwood Recreation Ground successfully obtains funding for a new Multi-Use Games Area
26th July 2015
26th July 2015
By Amy Sheehan
Hazelwood Recreation Ground is a hidden park in between Hedge Lane and Hazelwood Lane. On a sunny Sunday afternoon you will find many Palmers Green families watching the cricket, playing tennis, learning to ride a bike and enjoying the playground. Considering its small size, it’s a well-used park! The Friends of Hazelwood Rec were reformed last year by a group of local people who use the park regularly. We are an enthusiastic group with lots of ideas to improve the park, and always keen to welcome new members.
Anyone who has visited the Rec will know that it’s mainly an open space with a few recreational facilities for children and adults. Earlier this year we conducted a survey amongst park users and were pleased to have 120 respondents, showing how well used and important this relatively small space is. The consultation highlighted some of the main areas for improvement in the park: the children’s play area is old and with only a few pieces of equipment; the water in the sand feature hasn't been working for a long time and the lack of gates allows dogs and foxes to foul the sand; the tennis courts are in need of resurfacing and fencing; dog mess and litter are a recurring issue; and lots of people would love to see toilet facilities and a café!
As a result of that consultation, the Friends submitted an application for funding for new equipment in the play area, and we will find out whether that has been successful in September. Fingers crossed! The Council has also successfully obtained funding for a new Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) to be situated on the existing basketball area – this should be great for young people who want to practise their sports skills as the current basketball area is almost unusable. It is anticipated that the MUGA will be in place by March next year. Also, the Council is undertaking some work to mend the existing fencing on the tennis courts which is also very welcome.
We are hoping that the Rec will see improvements over the coming months, but we do need your help to continue to push for these. If you would like to find out more, receive email updates or join our group, please email:hazelwood@gmx.com