More control for London by Deputy Mayor Joanne McCartney
18th September 2016
18th September 2016
E: Tel: 020 7983 5524
Local Palmers Green resident Joanne is the London Assembly Member for Enfield & Haringey and has been recently appointed Deputy Mayor of London.
A View from City Hall by Joanne McCartney AM
Having campaigned to remain in the European
Union, I was deeply disappointed by the result
to leave the EU. London (including Enfield &
Haringey) voted to remain. Although it’s still
early days it has already led to predictable
economic uncertainty and anxiety, particularly
as the EU is London’s most important trading
relationship. Now our job at City Hall is to get
the best deal for London so that we remain the
best place in the world to do business and to
remain an open and welcoming city.
Our city is home to around one million EU
nationals, who are our family members, friends
and co-workers and who make a huge
contribution to our economic prosperity,
cultural and civic life. It is vital that they are
given early certainty by the government that
they will have the right to remain here after
Brexit – many of our businesses and public
services need this certainty too. I am pleased
that our new Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan,
has spoken out strongly on this issue and also
against the rise in hate crime that we have
seen following the Brexit vote, confirming our
policy of zero tolerance to such crimes.
You may have seen our #LondonIsOpen
campaign which sends a positive message to
the world that London is united and open for
business. This campaign has been supported
by business, artists, universities, the life
sciences sector and others. It will continue to
promote London to the EU and the world at
The Brexit vote has also sharpened our focus
on the need to devolve further powers from
central government to London government at
the GLA* and London councils. London’s
population is the same size of Wales and
Scotland combined, but we have far less
control over how the capital is run or how the
money raised here through our taxes are
spent. We are making the case for London to
have a stronger voice and the powers we need
to attract investment, protect jobs and improve
skills training, housing, health and criminal
justice. Expect to hear more on this agenda
over the next few months.
The Mayor has re-convened the London
Finance Commission (a group of political and
business leaders), whose previous proposals
on fiscal devolution were supported on a crossparty
basis, to bring forward a new set of
proposals to put to government. What is clear
is that a strong prosperous London is good for
the whole country, especially as one pound in
every five earned in London is used to fund the
rest of the country.
Going forward we will need to work just as
closely with our fellow European neighbours
on many of the big issues facing the world
today, as they cannot be solved by one nation
alone, whether it be guarding against the
threat of international terrorism, action to
tackle air quality and environmental
protections or the refugee crisis.
* The Greater London Authority comprises the
Mayor of London and the London Assembly.