Not everything that buzzes is a pest! by Tanju Mustafa

5th April 2023

Not everything that buzzes is a pest! by Tanju Mustafa Everything that buzzes around your garden is potentially a pollinator and the majority are not classed as a pest.  These fascinating insects are incredibly useful; not just in the garden, but also in agriculture, with many crops dependent on pollination.

But some wasps and hornets can be a public health risk if they are in the wrong place. This handy guide helps you identify if your buzzing visitors are a pest and whether you should call in professional help.

Bees are typically robust and hairy, with a flattened hind leg modified for collecting and transporting pollen. Bees are generally not considered pests, as they are critical to maintaining healthy ecosystems and food production. During the months of May to July you may encounter a bee swarm. During a swarm, a large group of bees will leave their hive in search of a new location. If you encounter a swarm, it is best to keep a safe distance and avoid disturbing them.

Wasps are slender and have a more defined waist, with a smooth and shiny appearance. They are predators and feed on other insects, spiders, and even nectar. While some wasps can be beneficial by controlling pest populations, others can be considered pests when they become aggressive.

Hornets are a type of wasp, but they are larger and more aggressive than most other wasp species. They have a painful sting and can become very defensive of their nests. Hornets can be considered pests when they build their nests in or around human structures and pose a threat to people. 

Sparta Pest Control specialise in residential and commercial pest control contracts including private homes, rented accommodation, nurseries, care homes, restaurants, and warehouses. 
Contact 020 8886 8722 or 07493 447 709. Visit

Our expert pest control service includes:
A report identifying the pests and a recommended treatment plan.
A risk assessment identify risks and the hazards to people, pets, tenants, employees and customers.
Safety advice and education regarding treatments plans. 
Recommendations to protect your property from further infestations.