Probus Club of Enfield New members wanted, an ideal opportunity to meet people

15th September 2022

Probus Club of Enfield New members wanted, an ideal opportunity to meet people The Probus Club of Enfield is a part of a worldwide voluntary social organisation for retired old and not so old in spirit, mature gentlemen.

We meet over lunch monthly, on the second Tuesday of each month, at midday in the back room at the Jolly Farmers at 2 Enfield Road EN2 7QS. The lunches are usually followed by an illustrated talk for an hour or so on subjects of interest to our members. Previous talks have included, My life as a submariner, Life as a scene of Crime Officer, history of the Thames Barge Pudge, and the Thames Sailing  Barge Trust, Rifle Shooting at Bisley, my Life in the Royal Observer Corps, my life as a TV Quizzer.

Future talks will be, Being a guide at Kew Gardens, Funny Times on the way to the Old Bailey. Members interests include Grass Lawn Bowling, Transport, Scouting support, flying and all things mechanical. We have been on a number of group visits to places such as Duxford Air Museum, Lords Cricket Ground, Wimbledon Lawn Tennis grounds, Shuttleworth Air Museum, The Mosquito Museum. We have also been on theatre and musical trips, although these have been somewhat limited recently. Our most recent trip in June was a fabulous outing to the Bluebell Railway in Sussex. So, don’t delay, seize this opportunity, and come along to see what we are like.

If you are interested contact Mike Palos, the groups secretary, on 0208 366 4823. Website:

As featured in Palmers Green & Southgate LIFE magazine