Tony makes his stance clear on the new Cycle Enfield proposals

22nd September 2015

Tony makes his stance clear on the new Cycle Enfield proposals

I am very happy to say that there was a great turn out to last night’s meeting arranged by our MP David Burrows in Palmers Green. I counted between 190 and 200 people there. There were presentations by people from both sides of the argument for and against the Mini Holland Cycle Enfield proposals which we are told will be passed onto the relevant council officers in the council and reported back to TFL. We also were read out an email from Andrew Gilligan from the Mayor’s office stating that he has asked Enfield to make some further changes to the Winchmore Hill part of the scheme following last weeks meeting in Winchmore Hill. Hopefully more changes will follow. The most important thing I feel that has come out of last night is that there seems to be an overwhelming amount of people against the proposed scheme and it is obvious that many changes will have to be made before it moves forward. The best way for your voice to be heard is to take part in the online consultation.

The consultation is focused on the first scheme of the Cycle Enfield programme, the A105 from Palmers Green to Enfield Town.

Your responses will be collated into a consultation report (which you will be able to see) which the Cycle Enfield Project Board will use to inform how Enfield Council move forward with the element of the scheme.

You can provide a simple overview of your opinion on this scheme which will take just a few minutes, or you can take longer, considering individual sections of the route in detail and providing your opinion on each.

Take me to the consultation CLICK HERE

How could the scheme affect homes and residents in Palmers Green?

Tony’s speech at the meeting 

“I have been running an estate agency along Green Lanes here in Palmers Green for over 15 years. I have also lived in the local area for my whole life until I moved last year. During my 15 years in business I have been an active member of the Green Lanes Business Association campaigning for issues to help out Green Lanes, its shops and its customers. I am also heavily involved in most of the Palmers Green community events via my magazine Palmers Green & Southgate LIFE. I therefore consider myself well qualified to make comments about Green Lanes.

Through my estate agency I meet many people that are moving into the area and this gives me a very important insight into how the community is changing. The biggest influx of people moving to Palmers Green currently live in Crouch End and Muswell Hill. Over the last year I have spoken to many of these people regarding the proposed cycle lanes for Green Lanes. The initial response that I get is normally positive as cycling is a great way to stay healthy and to save transport costs…… but when I explain how the cycle lanes will be implemented on Green Lanes, the majority, but I must admit not all, think that the plan is seriously flawed.

Some of the biggest reasons that people are moving into Palmers Green is the high street, the Edwardian character properties and that they can park their cars in their street without control parking (unlike the areas they have moved from). They love the close nit community feeling, the triangle (even though it needs a lot of love and attention and the tree replacing), the coffee shop, tea room and restaurant culture that is fast developing along Green Lanes and finally the refreshing feeling that they can park outside the shops with less trouble than the areas they used to shop at.”